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2018 Florida Rare Plant Task Force Meeting – Call for Papers

December 03, 2017 10:00 AM | Anonymous


by azhadminKM

"The Impact of Climate Change and Natural Disasters on Rare Plant Conservation"
April 12th and 13th, 2018
Meeting venue: Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens Jacksonville, FL

Co-hosted by Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden, Bok Tower Gardens, and Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens

Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden, Bok Tower Gardens, and Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens are pleased to announce the 2018 Florida Rare Plant Task Force sponsored by the Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services Division of Plant Industry. Each year, the Rare Plant Task Force of Florida serves as the place for Florida’s professional plant conservation community to share ideas, discuss, prioritize, and coordinate ongoing plant conservation efforts around the state.

Thursday, April 12, 2018 will offer a full-day program featuring oral presentations followed by an afternoon meeting of the Florida Plant Conservation Alliance. On Friday, April 13, 2018, there will be optional field trips to local rare plant habitats and other points of interest.

This year, we invite abstracts for oral presentations focusing on impacts, modeling/projections,
and other considerations of climate change and natural disasters both for rare plant populations
and their habitats as well as projects, programs, and paradigms that aim to conserve them.

Registration information will be distributed in early 2018, and registration forms and updated
information will be available through the Bok Tower Gardens website at that time.

Please submit abstracts to Jimmy Lange jlange@fairchildgarden.org by January 26, 2018.

Please forward this announcement to any interested parties.

To submit an abstract for an oral or poster presentation please limit content to 250 words and follow the following sample format. Indicate whether this is an oral or poster presentation. Oral presentations will be 15 minutes in length. Presenters are encouraged to allow up to 5 minutes for questions.

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