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Center for Plant Conservation Best Practices to Support Species Survival in the Wild

February 06, 2019 7:15 AM | Anonymous


One in five plant species are at risk of extinction worldwide. Growing concerns for the loss of plant genetic diversity and species’ extinctions, as well as advancing know how to make successful conservation collections, motivates Center for Plant Conservation (CPC) Network scientists to collect seeds from wild populations and bank them.

 The great diversity of plants throughout the world helps define our sense of place and our cultural heritage. Plants have great economic value—providing food, shelter, medicine, and the basis of our livelihoods. 

 CPC Best Plant Conservation Practices to Support Species Survival in the Wild offer all of us targets we strive to hit in our plant conservation practice. We welcome you to join the conversation and to contribute to the science and to the stories about how practice improves through experience. Please contact the Center for Plant Conservation at info@saveplants.org."

 Read more: https://saveplants.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/CPCbest-plant-conservation-practices.pdf

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